The flagship company of the group namely S S HITECH (INDIA) was formed in 1996 by a group of well qualified and experienced engineers in Ludhiana. This company provides cost effective solutions in terms of Computer Hardware, Software and IT Products with latest technology. A real time assessment of the market needs led to formation of EDUCOMP HITECH (INDIA), a company to impart high quality computer education with systematic approach at school level. For more than a decade the company is well known for its consistent achievements at regional and national levels.

COMPUED is a company formed to provide educational and training inputs to the students who graduate to higher levels of studies including professional courses like B.E., B.Tech., M.C.A. and M.Sc.(IT) etc. Training in Computer Hardware and Networking, Advanced Software Development Courses in almost all Languages are the hallmarks of the services. The students get full exposure to all the phases of Hardware and Software projects being executed by our parent company to be deployed at Customer’s end.

SMARTEVENT LOGISTICS is an event management company to provide computer aided technical assistance and ecosystems for large public events. It also provides consultancy services.


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